The 'Application' layer is the first "layer" in the Admin environment.
In this layer you'll create new Location Based Apps, such as city games, guided tours, treasure hunts etc.
In later stages (in the location / group layers) you can still customise most of the content, however in the application you create the basic "logic" behind your app.
In the left upper corner click on 'Applications' and create a new application or open an existing one to start editing.
The 'lock' icon next to the application name means that this application can be used by everyone for inspiration or to roll out at a location to test, but it can not be edited (read-only).
By clicking the 'copy' icon, an existing application can be duplicated. This also works for 'Read-only' applications.
When creating a new application you'll need to enter the following details:
- "Name"; the name of the application.
- "Description"; a general description of the app.
- "Application Links"; add a link URL.
"Link URL"; a link URL.
"Link-button text"; the title of the link button.
In the settings within the app, there will be a button with the link URL for the users to click on.
"Available Languages"; choose the desired languages.
- The application will be made available in these languages. This means you will also need to enter all content in these languages. An additional language can be added later at any point.
"App Icon"; upload an icon.
- This icon will make the application recognisable in the admin environment (e.g. on the map of rolled out applications (locations)).
- The icon will also be shown to users in the app.
"User Icon"; upload a user icon (optional).
- This icon will replace the default user icon (blue dot). After uploading you can choose the size of the icon yourself.
"Theme"; choose the desired theme to use for this application.
"Message / Chat"; choose which type of chat is enabled for this application.
- "2-way chat"; the host can send messages to users and they can respond via chat.
- "1-way chat"; the host can send messages to users but the users cannot respond to the host.
"Order of inbox buttons"; choose the position of the chat inbox and assignments inbox.
- "Chat left (default open), assignments right"
- "Assignments left (default open), chat right"
"Button-text"; name your button text (optional)
- "Button-text chat"; if not renamed, the default text will be applied (chat)
- "Button-text assignments"; if not renamed, the default text will be applied (assignments)
"Hide camera button?"; if checked - camera button will be hidden for the user.
"Disable GPS?"; if checked - GPS and all associated functions will be disabled for this application.
- This can be useful for e.g. quiz or indoor game.
"Push all fields by default?"; if checked - all fields will be pushed with 'Push application updates'.
"Send e-mail with results/photos/videos to user?"; if checked - e-mail with photos/videos/results will be sent at the end of a game (if the user enters an e-mail address at the start of the game)
Per participating user only one e-mail will be sent.
Configure the sent email by clicking the blue 'Email details' button.
An additional screen with the following options appears:
"To who shall we send e-mail(s)?"; select the desired option.
- "Users (main user)"; an e-mail will be sent to the user defined email.
- "Fixed e-mail address"; an e-mail will be sent to a predefined e-mail address.
"Instructions to user when entering email address in the app" (if "Users (main user)" is selected); name your instructions text (optional)
If not renamed, the default text will be applied
("If you enter your e-mail address we can send you an e-mail with results, photos & videos")
"To which e-mail address?" (if "Fixed e-mail address" is selected); enter an e-mail address where the e-mail will be sent to.
"Bcc"; enter max. 3 e-mail addresses that will also get the mail, but won't be visible for the users.
"Email includes photos/videos?"; choose the desired option whether to include photos/videos in the e-mail.
- "Photos/videos of all users/teams in group"; photos/videos of all participating users or teams will be included in the e-mail.
- "Only photos/videos of individual user/team"; only photos/videos of the individual user or team will be included in the e-mail.
- "No photos/videos"; no photos/videos will be included in the e-mail.
"Email includes results?"; choose the desired option whether to include the results in the e-mail.
- "Results of all users/teams in group"; results of all participating users or teams will be included in the e-mail.
- "Only results of individual user/team"; only the results of the individual user or team will be included in the e-mail.
- "No results"; no results will be included in the e-mail.
"Moment of sending"; choose the desired moment to send the e-mail.
- "End game (action) or archiving of group (whichever comes first)"; an e-mail will be sent when the game ends or when the group is archived.
- "End game (action)"; an e-mail will be sent when the game ends (with the action 'end game').
- "Archiving of group"; an e-mail will be sent when the group is archived.
"Sender name"; the name that will appear as the sender in the e-mail.
"Sender e-mail"; select the e-mail address from which the e-mail will be sent.
If you want to select your own 'from' e-mail address here? Contact us at
"Subject"; enter the subject line of the e-mail.
- If not renamed, the default text will be applied ("Check your results, photos & videos")
"Email text"; enter the main content of the e-mail.
(e.g. include instructions or a message encouraging users to check their results, photos, or videos)
- If not renamed, the default text will be applied ("Your results, photos & videos are now available, click the link below to view them now!")
"Download button text"; name your button text (optional)
- If not renamed, the default text will be applied ("View results, photos & videos")
"Extra link URL"; add an additional URL to the e-mail that is shown in the e-mail and on the download page, such as a link to a feedback form or website.
- The URL must start with 'https://'.
"Extra link text"; name your extra link text.
e.g. "visit our website", "feedback"
"Billing tag"; select the desired option (if applicable)
Then click 'Save'. Now the building of the application starts.
An application consists of three types of building blocks: