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Advanced: ‘Push Updates’ function - Forwarding Application level changes

Forwarding all application level changes to rolled out location(s).


Changes made on the application layer are not automatically forwarded to the layers location and group.

This makes sure that existing locations and even groups that might be using the app currently, are not impacted by changes you make to your application.


The changes (e.g. added player icon / removed or added triggers) can be forwarded to the location layer by using the 'push updates' function, when you have an application that you've already rolled out to multiple locations without having to roll out your application again.


Using the 'push updates' function is an advanced feature.

Before starting to push updates from your application to one or multiple locations, make sure you fully understand how it works!

In case of question, always contact Caught before using the 'push updates' functionality!


Pushing will only happen from the application layer to the location layer.

Existing (already created) groups are therefore not touched and will remain based on the state of the location as it was before pushing changes.

If changes at the application level are saved and as a result a difference with one or more rolled out location(s) arises, a yellow bar will become visible on the bottom of the application editing screen. This bar indicates that there are changes ready to be pushed through to one or multiple locations.

By pressing 'push now' you will reach a page, shown below, where you can choose which changes you want to forward to which locations and which fields can be overwritten in doing so.

Push Updates


Read the instructions on this screen carefully!

They indicate which changes will be forwarded when.

For pushing updates the following elements are important:


By default the fields under 'actions' are not selected to avoid that location specific changes are lost as a result of pushing from the application level.

Especially for actions, choose the fields that can be overwritten at the location layer specifically and consciously.

Pushing individual action changes to all rolled out locations


If you update an individual action after rolling out your application to one or multiple locations you can push the individual action by pressing the link "Push this action" that appears from the moment you saved the changes.


This type of pushing is only available if the action is already present on all rolled out locations based on the application.

Therefore it is not available for newly added actions.


Changes will pushed to all locations using this application as a basis.


Pushing actions will overwrite all content of this specific action at all locations.


Pushing individual actions is not available anymore once you change the sequence of the action in the action chain.