Release Notes – Caught (build 2128) – 13-10-2020
- Show Group icon in onboarding (instead of app-icon) #329
- Indicate to host if and how often teams can try again after (dis)approval #330
- Show team name when clicking on the team tracking icon on the map (New UI only) #349
- Show a warning when creating a group > 25 teams about hosting with host environment #344
- Ability to hide property change alerts #353
- Ability to make text bold (wrap in *), italic (wrap in _), underlined (wrap in $) or striked-through (wrap in ~) #352
- Block creating old UI Themes, new UI default theme. #345
- Fix - Connection-error is always visible in theme-editor for new UI. #343
- Fix - Some Logs don't download #342
- Fix - Only left side of video/photo upload clickable in Web App (input element). #346
- Fix - Test dragging updates live after changing test mode in admin #357
- Fix - End Game trigger makes only GPS locations invisible/inactive not triggers of other types. #360